
Wir wollen einen jährlichen Wettbewerb veranstalten, der in Deutschland einmalig ist. Normalerweise veranstalten wir Agility-Turniere (Hundesport), wollen nun aber anbieten, ein Turnier zu veranstalten, bei dem Hundesport mit Kartfahren kombiniert wird. Der Wettkampf wird in einer Kartbahn und eine...

Logo Contest Stats



contest prize

Winner Selected


Contest Status

Logo Contest Compelete


<p>We already worked with logo arena and also with this designer - and again it was exact what we wanted - all designers did a great job - sometimes it was really hard to find the best idea.
We will never try to get a logo from somewhere else! 

We already worked with logo arena and also with this designer - and again it was exact what we wanted - all designers did a great job - sometimes it was really hard to find the best idea. We will never try to get a logo from somewhere else!

