Golden Chariot Specialty Transport Services, LLC

Golden Chariot Transport Service, LLC is a specialty transport service in Vancouver, WA. They transport the elderly and physically disabled individuals who need to be transported to and from medical appointments. They transport people to see family members or go shopping. However, they are not a t...

Logo Contest Stats



contest prize

Winner Selected


Contest Status

Logo Contest Complete


<p>All of the artists worked hard to come up with fresh ideas to present to the client. We discovered new information at the end of the contest that altered the original look. Quickly, the artists altered the look and feel to match the request. Claudia\'s work was selected by the client because it most closely resembled an emblem as a stand alone image. </p>

All of the artists worked hard to come up with fresh ideas to present to the client. We discovered new information at the end of the contest that altered the original look. Quickly, the artists altered the look and feel to match the request. Claudia\'s work was selected by the client because it most closely resembled an emblem as a stand alone image.

